Workplace: living the dream!

12 November 2020 7 minutes to read

Companies that care about their employee’s wellness are turning their workspaces into “theatres of dreams”. By formulating the equation: work + office = a voyage, the office is reinventing itself and providing employees with the key to a new universe in which destination rhymes with passion and motivation.


When talking about Manchester United’s mythical stadium, former club captain Sir Bobby Charlton put it like this: “The fans know they have their own team and that their lives revolve around Old Trafford. They’re part of a never-ending story – they are the Theatre of Dreams!” A place where fans spend part of their hard-earned wages to lap up the sublime skills of the Cantonas, Ronaldos and Beckhams – the supreme magicians in a vast enterprise of skill – around a few pints of Guinness.


But why are we talking about football when we should be talking about the office? Because this strip of grass is supporters’ favourite meeting place. Why do they leave their nice soft couches to go and cheer on their team? Because, for around two hours, they stand in the cold and the rain signing “we love United”, sharing in a unique experience that keeps them going all week ” until the next match!


So why go to the office when you are being encouraged to work at home because of Covid? Because we like to dream and moving around is the best way to be transported to a new time and space ” provided the destination is cool, the trip captivating and the travelling companions are good company.  Because we need to be able to give meaning to our commitment, to be stimulated and to grow as a team.

This is the revolution that businesses are facing: clearing the workspace (or the workdesk!) and starting from scratch to design and build a place where employees can band together to share in a unique experience. Just like football clubs, companies need to create their own theatre of dreams. A happy space where everybody meets up to pursue a common goal: bonding with the team to experience emotional interaction and optimise teamwork (live and in real time).


The question is not what the company of the future will look like, but why you would choose to spend an hour commuting instead of staying in the comfort of your own home or popping down in your slippers to a coworking space. Why go to the office when you can work anywhere, any time?

The answer is because our new office is the apartment you will never be able to buy, because it’s nicer here than at home, because it’s a cool and vibrant living space where you’re welcomed with a coffee ” where offices are hubs of expertise and meeting rooms unlock synergies ” and because it’s a place that provides you with the freedom you crave and a stimulating learning environment. And we haven’t even talked about the concert auditorium, the gym, the cinema, immersive environments and all of the different workshops… In short, the office becomes somewhere that’s good for you.


So, do you still believe in the theatre of dreams?

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Credits photos : Mint & More CreativeEsa Kapila and Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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