When People regain their place in companies

14 May 2020 6 minutes to read

In these periods of uncertainty, we can only be sure of one thing: tomorrow will be built differently from what we had imagined. Tomorrow we will have to reinvent a new world.

A fundamental movement had already begun with the increase in home office, co-working and flex-office. But we never anticipated that this movement would accelerate so quickly.

The forced remote working of millions of people has turned the company upside down. Managers had to redefine themselves very quickly. It’s no longer possible to control everything. It is now essential to trust.

Employees had to reorganize themselves in the moment. If some of them dreamed of home working, they would never have imagined that their colleague would be 3 years old and would come 10 times a day to interrupt what they were doing. The boundary between personal and professional life is thinner than ever, if not non-existent.

But once this break from the company is over, will we want to go back? What if some people choose to stay in remote working? What would then be the organization of tomorrow within the company? What would be the layout of these spaces?

In these turbulent times, let’s take the time to dream about tomorrow’s workspace. Take a guided imaginary tour of a rethought layout. Journey to a not-so-distant future.

When we will be back in the company, relationships with our colleagues have changed. A certain “physical” distance has naturally imposed itself on everyone, but never has the need to get together been so great.

The cafeteria and the coffee machine have become living spaces. We are happy to talk and share a moment. It has also become a bubble of well-being for the company. No more tasteless coffee, from now on we take our time. We take the time to exchange and reconnect with others. Projects are discussed more freely and with pleasure. Being cut off from others has allowed us to measure the importance of relationships, the importance of exchange with people.

Yesterday, the company counted its “m²/collaborator”. Today, we now measure the “level of well-being/m²”. Never in the history of mankind has it been so important to take care of others. Never before has it been so important for the company to ensure the commitment of its employees.

Back in the company, most of them have chosen to continue to do home working 3 days a week. Company agreements were signed with the employees to equip these staff at home and give them a bonus to compensate for the m² the company was able to save. The company and the employees understood that in order to win, everyone had to win.

The company is now working as a skills cluster in order to facilitate exchanges. Well-being has gone from theory to reality. To do this, the company has become a place where people likes to meet. Well-being is no longer just individual well-being, but a more global well-being of the company with the objective of being well together. The work spaces are designed to reflect the spirit of the company and its colors are chosen according to its culture.

The new spaces are more airy and at the same time designed to feel welcome. Creativity is stimulated and exchanges are facilitated. Meetings can take on new formats, this is now accepted. Whether standing, on sofas or in the more technological rooms, everyone finds what suits the subject and the spirit of the team that makes up the meeting. Each space is designed and organised to transmit and build the company culture. Some spaces are also designed to innovate together (co-innovate), work in teams, debate… The company is lived at the rhythm of each person and according to the needs of the moment.

There are only a few “old-fashioned” workspaces left. They are adapted to the tasks, but above all to the people who occupy them. They are no longer
standardised. They are now designed to feel at peace.

The way we look at business has changed. The move away from the old framework has also made it possible to feel the importance of this place. Today, coming into the premises is synonymous with exchanges, a place to live and fulfilment. Our outlook has changed to bring back life and joy.

Yesterday, it was not acceptable to have the noise of children during a remote working meeting. Today, we share a little more of ourselves with the company. Hearing the children has also given them a place back.

All our ties, all our relationships with others have been turned upside down. Digital technology has allowed us to stay connected to each other but it has also allowed us to put people back at the heart of our relationships.

Nadège Barbe

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